Why is Watching People Fall Over Funny?

Yes I've been watching 'You've been Framed'... :p


  • Ive started working in the centre of glasgow, been there 8 weeks now and I've seen a toppler at least once a week! One did hurt herself, but the others just seemed to fall and was quite funny to watch. Not sure why it is funny, guess we are just not used to seeing it happen all that much.

  • I seen someone get knocked over once and laughed :confused: It wasn't serious, just a bump, but it was funny :confused:

    I think we laugh with nerves/sympathy rather than thinking it's hilarious. Then again, sometimes people falling over makes you laugh because it is funny :o

  • I got something yous might like. Hold on let me find it.

    Keep it in your pants :eek: :p

  • It's always funny until it happens to you.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtuiXQ5ps8 - This looks INCREDIBLY painful (im sure the kitty was alright) but it has been my favourite video for the past few days and i seriously cant get enough of it. Its the way it eyes it up, seriously think its cleared it, rotates and drops. The accompanying sounds are fantastic, too...:o

  • People falling over is one of those things where you shouldn't laugh but you can't help yourself! :rolleyes:


  • SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970

    Forum Member


    Oh this old chestnut again.

    So then what is actually humorous about seeing other people suffering a misfortune? I suggest that one who thinks such is a little cruel hearted.

  • :D :D :D O comedy!

    Glad you liked it. We had to get out of their quickly as the sucurity guards were on there way.

  • Seeing Ali McBeal do it, more or less, week after week has reduced its humourous impact. It's worse usage is in romantic comedies where it happens to the female lead. It's a speciality of Sandra Bullock's I believe.

  • SteUKSteUK Posts: 5,730

    Forum Member

    not sure about people falling over harshly, but sometimes during winter when it's so cold that the pavements ice over, i do find it slightly amusing when I see people having to do that funny walk just to try and stay upright and usually end up slipping over anyway :D

  • BTW No One Was Hurt In The Making Of The Video. Except maybe the sign....

  • CaxtonCaxton Posts: 28,813

    Forum Member


    An ideal situation for me woud be to see Blair fall flat on his face with Prescott walking behind him falling on top of him, now that would make me laugh that would wipe that stupid grin off Blair's face and knock the wind out of him. :D

  • I did an excellent pratfall once. Picking chestnuts in a park in Bristol. It was rainy. Walking down hill unsteadily, my feet disappeared from underneath me, slid at super speed from under, flew into the air and landed flat on my back in a big pool of soggy red clay. It was v. funny.

    I suppose you had to be there. Once opened a door on my face and had a bruise in a perfect line down the middle of my face :o :rolleyes:

  • LilaLila Posts: 6,780

    Forum Member

    not sure about people falling over harshly, but sometimes during winter when it's so cold that the pavements ice over, i do find it slightly amusing when I see people having to do that funny walk just to try and stay upright and usually end up slipping over anyway :D

    Ooohh!! I broke my coccyx (tailbone) slipping on ice it caused me excruciating pain for a good 10 yrs or so on and off. :mad:

    I still laugh at other people though. :D

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtuiXQ5ps8 - This looks INCREDIBLY painful (im sure the kitty was alright) but it has been my favourite video for the past few days and i seriously cant get enough of it. Its the way it eyes it up, seriously think its cleared it, rotates and drops. The accompanying sounds are fantastic, too...:o

    Thanks for that, it's hilarious. :D

  • It's funny because it's random and unexpected.

  • SystemSystem Posts: 2,096,970

    Forum Member


    It's funny because it's random and unexpected.


    What makes me laugh even more is the look of sheer horror on their faces as they fall :eek:

    Sorry,but that has me in hysterics.

  • I think the surprise of it makes me laugh. I once saw a person i didnt at all like trip over and fall into a muddy puddle , that was funny to watch. :D

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUtuiXQ5ps8 - This looks INCREDIBLY painful (im sure the kitty was alright) but it has been my favourite video for the past few days and i seriously cant get enough of it. Its the way it eyes it up, seriously think its cleared it, rotates and drops. The accompanying sounds are fantastic, too...:o

    That poor cat. :( I couldn't help but have a little giggle though. :o

    Methinks though that the person videoing the cat knew what was going to happen and wanted to capture it on film.

  • Exactly!

    What makes me laugh even more is the look of sheer horror on their faces as they fall :eek:

    Sorry,but that has me in hysterics.

    I saw an old lady walking really fast and she fell over, straight on her face.

    I just started laughing.

    But it was ashame.


  • I worked in a Hotel, a particularly annoying guest thought we'd stolen her handbag. When it turned out she had put in her own locker, she promptly did a huge dramatic faint and landed in a starfish shape in reception.

    At this point, a conference of 100 doctors broke for coffee, they ran to her aid.

    She came round and fainted again after seeing all the doctors around her.

    I pissed myself for hours.


  • I'ts not that we're horrible nasty people when we laugh at somebody falling over.

    But, the way some people fall, looks so comical, that we can't help ourselves.

  • Seeing a toddler land on their soft nappy is funny when they try to walk but generally people who fall, don't make me laugh. I always worry that they might be hurt.

    I don't find Norman Wisdom funny either